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Where to put things in kitchen cabinets: A practical Guide

Where To Put Things In Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen Cabinets

Where to put things in kitchen cabinets? refers to the process of organizing and arranging kitchen items in a logical and efficient manner within the limited space provided by kitchen cabinets.


“Place items in the kitchen conveniently so you can access them quickly as needed. Mugs belong above your coffee maker, cooking tools should be kept close to the stove, and counter space should be free for meal preparation.”



In a house, tranquility permeates more strongly the more orderly it is. A cluttered or disorganized home can affect someone’s attitude, usually incorrectly. 


People frequently take great care to keep the items in a home’s dining room or bedroom clean and arranged. 


Still, they often overlook the importance of keeping clean and organizing kitchen cabinets. Where to put things in kitchen cabinets? 


Good question. We’ll see details and share some fantastic tips in this guide. Also here you can check our Best kitchen utensil set reviews for cooking.

What is the importance of organizing kitchen cabinets?

The kitchen is a crucial room in your house. You prepare meals for your family or yourself more frequently in the kitchen. 


In this situation, you should know how crucial it is to arrange your kitchen layout. It is also ideal for matching your dining area’s decor and kitchen cabinetry. 


Doing this would ensure that you were aware of the significance of cabinets for a pleasing outcome in your kitchen design.

For Use By The Organization

Who will reject a space in their house that is organized and appealing? Everyone aspires to own a home like this. 


Some people even choose a minimalist design for their space to achieve this layout. Some people decide to create cabinets as extra storage space solutions. 


For their kitchen, every homeowner has to select high-quality cabinets. Some people have the propensity to make sudden cabinet purchases, which makes the area more congested.


It’s enjoyable to organize things, especially in your house. If managing your condiments can make you happy, imagine how comfortable it will be to store your belongings in a large section of your cabinets where you can see filth and dust easily.


You may keep more items like cutlery, jars, spices, and other food commodities in cabinets with many shelves.

Make a Categorize for Your Kitchen Items properly.

To keep your kitchen organized, categorize items by function and frequency of use. Store everyday essentials within arm’s reach, grouping pots and pans together, and placing utensils near the cooking area. Reserve higher shelves for less frequently used items and create clear labels or use transparent containers for easy identification. This system ensures a well-organized and efficient kitchen.

Create a layout:


Create a layout that matches an item’s function with where kitchen stuff will be used, Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Consider your cooking habits and the items you use most often. Think about the flow of activities in your kitchen.
  2. Zone Planning: Divide your kitchen into zones based on common functions like cooking, prep, baking, storage, and cleaning.
  3. Cabinet and Drawer Selection: Choose cabinets and drawers near each zone to store items. Opt for deep drawers for pots and pans, shallow drawers for utensils, and cabinets for pantry storage.
  4. Group Similar Items: Within each zone, group similar items together. For example, in the cooking zone, place pots, pans, and cooking utensils in proximity.
  5. Use Drawer Organizers: Invest in drawer dividers and organizers to keep utensils, cutlery, and small tools neatly separated.
  6. Clear Containers and Labels: In the pantry zone, use clear containers or jars for dry goods, and label them for easy identification.
  7. Categorize by Frequency: Store frequently used items at waist or eye level, while less-used items can go on higher or lower shelves.
  8. Create a Coffee/Tea Station: If you enjoy coffee or tea, designate a specific area for these items, including mugs, coffee maker, or tea kettle.
  9. Easy Access to Appliances: Place small appliances on countertops or in easy-to-reach cabinets if you use them regularly.
  10. Maximize Vertical Space: Use hooks or wall-mounted shelves for items like pots and pans or mugs to save cabinet space.
  11. Maintain Clear Countertops: Keep countertops clutter-free for efficient food preparation and cleaning.
  12. Regular Review: Periodically review your layout and make adjustments as needed to accommodate changing needs.

By creating a layout that matches function with item placement, you’ll have a kitchen that’s organized, efficient, and tailored to your specific needs.

Cabinets as a Mirror of Who You Are

Remember that your home’s decor will always reflect you, regardless of your appearance. By making this claim, you would avoid seeming antiquated and elderly. 


So start by investing in stylish furniture and cabinetry that fits your individuality. 


Although there is nothing wrong with being dated and old, you have to make your home more inviting and comfortable if you enjoy having guests over on special occasions.


Because of this, high-quality cabinets will shield you from such things.

Determine Your Work Triangle in the Kitchen

According to the definition, a kitchen work triangle is a concept used to choose effective kitchen layouts that are also visually beautiful.


The triangle’s three points are the refrigerator, stove, and sink.


Start with locating the sink, stove, and refrigerator, then draw fictitious lines linking them to form a triangle.

Watch the video for kitchen cabinets placement.

Know Your Kitchen's 7 Most Common Zones

Split your kitchen into 7 zones after determining how your workstation looks based on the kitchen triangle. These zones comprise:


While putting your cooking items in your kitchen cabinets, I advise you to label these areas with sticky notes. It will make it easier for you to organize and establish a great flow.

Zone 1: Usual utensils and dishes

You must arrange the daily dishes and utensils above or to the right of the dishwasher. Use the sink if you don’t have a dishwasher.


You do this because emptying the dishwasher or sink is convenient and easy.


Where to put daily cutlery and dishes:


Where: next to or to the right of the sink or dishwasher

What: bowls, cups, glasses, and silverware

Zone 2: Cooking Equipment,

In my opinion, you should position cooking utensils near the stove. A junk drawer immediately close to the furnace may contain this. 

Put them in a drawer to the right if you are a right-handed person and to the left if you are a left-handed person.

Consider acquiring a pot rack if you have limited drawer space in your compact kitchen.



Where to put culinary equipment:

Where: Next to the stove or right

What: Cooking utensils, including spatulas and stirring spoons, as well as pots and pans


Zone 3: Baking Ingredients (non-food)

Keeping baking tools close to the oven is recommended. 

Since the oven serves as the primary source for individuals who bake, it is ideal for storing those ingredients there.


Baking Supplies for non-food:

Where: Close to the oven

What: Cooling racks, pie plates, muffin pans, and baking sheets


Zone 4: Meal-Preparation Equipment

The process of making food involves three steps:


    • Getting the food ready
    • Preparing the food
    • Delivering the food

All the equipment you need to prepare the dish will be in your prep area. Within your kitchen work triangle, you should place the prep equipment in the region with the most space.


Utensils for meal preparation:

Where: close to the work triangle’s most significant work surface

What: Cooking equipment such as whisks, measuring cups, and mixing bowls


Zone 5: Serveware and party supplies

Establishing a location for serving and entertaining products is the next stage in organizing the kitchen. 

For celebrations or holidays, this could include unique platters or dishes. Since you utilize these things infrequently, they should be outside the core work triangle.


Items for Serveware and party supplies


Where: near the dining room

What: serving trays, pitchers, cake stands, decorations for the holidays, and dip trays


Zone 6: Storage of Food

Anything you use to make lunches or keep leftovers goes here. Keep such things close to the refrigerator. 

It’s simple to grab a container for leftovers and put it right in the fridge when it’s close to the refrigerator.


There should be no of this in the primary working area.


Storage of food:


Where: Away from household cleansers but close to the refrigerator

What: Ziplock bags, aluminum foil, Tupperware, and plastic wrap


Zone 7: Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies are the final area to store items in kitchen cabinets. This kind of material usually goes under the sink. Due to its proximity to the water source, this is simple.

Additionally, since it’s frequently unclean and there might be water leaks, you shouldn’t store dishes or cooking utensils there.

Cleaning Products:


Where: Usually behind the sink and in surrounding cabinets.

What: Cleaning supplies, rags, sponges, and towels


How to Organize Upper Cabinets in the Kitchen?

Make sure your counters and kitchen table are free, as you’ll be taking everything out of your cabinets, so you have a spot to go through everything. 


After you’ve cleaned out your wardrobe, use a decent all-purpose cleanser to clean the shelves.

Step 1 Clean out your upper cabinets and determine what to keep where.

Decide what belongs where, and then clean up your cabinets. Dinnerware is typically kept beside the dishwasher, including plates, glasses, and others items. 


Spices should be kept close to a prep area, but keep them away from a stove or oven if possible since heat can ruin their flavor. Put dishes, appliances, and other cooking supplies in convenient locations.

Step 2. Measure and line your cabinets

Measure the length, width, and height of your cabinets or drawers area using a tape measure. Remember to measure the actual cabinet doors opening.


When you use your cabinets or drawers to hold plates or glassware, installing a shelf liner is wise since it guards against nicks and chips.

Step 3. Divide and conquer

Make the most of your vertical maximize space in your cabinets, no matter what you’re storing. Kitchen linens, tiny cups, and plates may all be stored in under-shelf baskets. 


Coffee cups may be stored on little hooks at the top of your cabinet, freeing up maximum space at the bottom for other dishes.

Step 4: Storing dinnerware and plates

Stackable shelves simplify differentiating mixing bowls, cereal bowls, and dinner plates from salad plates while storing tableware.

Storing Glasses and Stemware in Step 5

While using tall cabinets, under-shelf wine racks preserve stemware and make them simpler to access. You may save a lot of room by putting stemware racks below your cabinets.

6 Tips on How to decide where to put things in kitchen cabinets

There is now no definitive answer to the question of where to keep things in kitchen cabinets. Your kitchen must be set up for your comfort. But the following advice can help you have some fundamental concepts:

Divide your space initially into Cabinets and  Drawers.

Since plates and bowls require a lot of room, the most excellent area should be set aside for storage.


    1. Keep spoons alongside utensils in a small section of a deep drawer.
    2. Considering how frequently these items are used, you should always have access to salt, sugar, pepper, pulses, cereals, and others.
    3. Keep your cooking tools and food ingredients close to the gas when using them.
    4. In the same way, a glass bowl won’t be necessary for gas in a microwave. Therefore, only keep your utensils close to the microwave.
    5. Keep items you seldom use in locked cabinets and only remove them when necessary. These items are not essential to be stored.
    6. If you wish to keep sure pots, put them on the kitchen window or in secure locations where they won’t break. The same holds for preserving art.


I’m hoping these pointers might help you organize your belongings and have a general notion of what to place where in kitchen cabinets.

How can You learn more about how to set up a kitchen?

1. Create five zones in your kitchen.

The following are the fundamental work zones to consider in your kitchen:

Zone of consumables:

It is where you keep the majority of your food.

It might be divided into your fridge (garden-fresh food) and your pantry, drawers, or cabinets (oils, sauces, dry goods, etc.).

Zone for non-consumables:

The location where daily dishes, such as plates, bowls, glasses, and cutlery, are kept.

Cleanup area:

The space where the dishwasher and sink are situated (if you own one).

The region of the kitchen where you prepare a majority of the food. 

A kitchen island or a long countertop may be this.

Preparing area:

The space that houses the microwave and, maybe, the cooktop, oven, or range.

These parts can be separated into most kitchens. 

Even if you live in a small apartment with a galley kitchen, you probably still have the following items: 

A stove, some cupboards for non-consumables, a sink for cleaning, some counter space for preparation, and a fridge for consumables (cooking zone). 

You are prepared to go on to the next phase once you have identified your zones.

2. Keep items as close as possible to the zone to which they pertain.

To increase the flow of cooking, divide your kitchen into zones so you can keep items properly. Knives, mixing bowls, cutting boards, spices, and other preparation tools, for instance, should be kept where you conduct most of your prepping. 


Pots, pans, and bakeware should be kept in the cooking zone as close to or near the stove or oven as possible.

3. Keep your regular dishes in the cupboard closest to the dishwasher or sink.

In this graphic, which goes into greater depth, it is noted that you should keep your daily dishes (the non-consumables) alongside cleaning space, which is the area where your sink and dishwasher are.


When you give it some thought, this makes a lot of sense. 


What do you typically take out of the dishwasher? All of your standard cutlery, plates, and glasses! 


Therefore, keep your dishes in the cabinet nearest your dishrack or dishwasher.

4. Establish a prep area as near as possible to the stove.

The placement of the prep area close to the stove in this diagram is another item we observed.


We concur. In The Kitchen Cookbook, we mention that having enough counter space next to the stove is one of the most crucial aspects of kitchen layout. 


Your prepared meal should only require a few simple steps to place in a pot on the stovetop or oven.


You need to get inventive if the counter space next to your stove is limited. Whatever room you have, make sure it is cleared out and given priority as a prep area. 


Move the fruit dish and take the microwave out of the room! Let it be used just for mixing ingredients or chopping vegetables, as that is what it is needed for.

If you still need extra workspace, add compact kitchen islands like IKEA’s GROVELAND island, an over-the-sink cutting board, or a burner cover. These are all excellent, easily accessible options.

5. Just give it your all!

Of course, it’s only sometimes practical to keep everything precisely where it belongs, especially if you have a small kitchen. 


You have to, for instance, store your bakeware on top of the cupboards, or your sole pantry space is in a cabinet across the room from the refrigerator. 


But you should strive to implement this concept of categorizing items in your kitchen into different zones according to their functions!


 Except in the case of a kitchen that is flawless, there will always be exceptions. Does anybody?

Kitchen cabinet organization ideas strategy is the most effective?

    • Put bulkier objects on the lower shelves of the cabinet.
    • Keep related goods close together.
    • Make the most of your kitchen cabinet space.
    • Utilize circular storage containers.
    • Make the most of the vertical space.
    • Utilize containers.
    • Install cabinet dividers.
    • Put organizers in the drawers.

What to Consider When Choosing a Kitchen Cabinet?

Look for patterns that are readily available online. Learn about the various cabinet kinds to make an informed decision about your kitchen layout.


It is crucial to place orders from reputable websites that offer everything from consulting to cabinet installation. You will have a gratifying result and are already safeguarding your family from potential mishaps if you seek the advice of specialists.


If, upon installation, your cabinets need to be in acceptable shape or condition.


Purchasing a new cabinet is a headache and can be expensive, but if doing so can ultimately make you happy and satisfied, why not? Your house represents an investment. With the finest of the best, you should invest. In addition, it is very important to keep your Hard Anodized cookware clean?.



Where to put things in kitchen cabinets?

Put them in a drawer to the right if you are a right-handed person and to the left if you are a left-handed person. Consider acquiring a pot rack if you have limited drawer space in your compact kitchen.

What are areas of your kitchen used the most frequently?

    • Usual utensils and dishes
    • Tools for Meal Preparation
    • Baking Equipment (non-food storage)
    • Cooking, serving, and entertaining supplies
    • Food Preservation Cleaning Equipment

What should I put in the cabinet interiors of my kitchen?

Put things in a convenient location so you can get to them quickly when needed. Mugs belong above your coffee maker; food preparation tools should be next to clear counter space and keep the cooking equipment close to the stove.

How do I suppose where to put things in my kitchen?

Knives, mixing bowls, cutting boards, spices, and other preparation tools, for instance, should be kept where you conduct most of your prepping. 

Pots, pans, and bakeware should be kept in the cooking zone as close to or near the stove or oven as possible.

Where to put plates in the kitchen?

Dinnerware, including plates, glasses, and other items, is typically kept beside the dishwasher. 


Spices should be kept close to a prep area, but keep them away from a stove or oven if possible since heat can ruin their flavor. Put dishes, appliances, and other cooking supplies in convenient locations.

Where to store food in kitchen cabinets?

Try to keep meals slightly above the counter where you usually cook food or your kitchen workstation.

Final Thoughts

Organizing a kitchen can be overwhelming, but planning and organization can make it easier. 


This essay has discussed the importance of proper storage in kitchen cabinets and the best ways to store items. 


By allocating space for specific items and grouping them, it is possible to achieve an organized, efficient, functional, and aesthetically pleasing kitchen. 


With thoughtful planning and creative storage solutions, it is possible to turn a messy kitchen into a well-organized, stylish, and efficient space.

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