New Utensils

How To Season Cast Iron [ 2 Ways Preserving Tips]

How To Season Cast Iron
Season a Cast Iron

If you want your cast iron pan to make a delicious meal, you must season it well. Also, there is no alternative to seasoning to preserve the non-stick surface of your cast iron. 


But do you know how to season cast iron? If not, you have just got into the right article. Keep reading the article and learn about seasoning cast iron. 


Seasoning cast iron is relatively easy if you know the proper way. Before starting seasoning, wash the iron pan and dry it thoroughly. Next, oil the cast iron evenly and form a thin layer. Then, heat the pan until the smoke dries out. You can also season the iron pan by baking it in the oven. 


Are you interested to learn more about cast iron seasoning? If so, keep reading the article and get a clear knowledge of seasoning your iron pan. 


What Is Cast Iron Seasoning?

Before you dig into the article, it is essential to know what cast iron seasoning means. Here, seasoning iron does not mean adding spices to your pan. Instead, it means heating your iron by adding oil until it forms a non-stick surface. 


Nowadays, most cast iron pans or skillets come with a non-sticky feature. However, it is not the same for all. If you buy a cast iron pan with a non-sticky quality, there is nothing to worry about. You can make it non-sticky by seasoning it at your home. All you will need is a few drops of neutral oil and proper heat. 

Furthermore, knowing how to season cast iron is important because your non-sticky iron pan might lose its feature over time. So, in such a case, you have to re-season the pan. Also, if you use your cast iron without seasoning it, it is likely to crack or break down.

Two Popular Ways To Season Cast Iron Pan

If your iron pan is not pre-seasoned, you can easily season it in your kitchen. The only hack to get a non-stick iron pan is seasoning. That means your iron pan needs to be seasoned after every use. The more you season it, the more 


But do you know how to season a cast iron skillet for the first time? If not, there is nothing to worry about. This article will give you the best guideline on seasoning cast iron pans. 


There are mainly two ways to season cast iron. One way is to season cast on the stove, and the other is on the oven. We will elaborately discuss both ways so that you can season your iron pans and save them from cracking or becoming sticky.

Season Cast Iron On Stovetop Or Induction Hob

Season Cast Iron On Stovetop Or Induction Hob
Season Cast Iron On Stovetop Or Induction Hob

Seasoning a cast iron on a stovetop is more efficient and energy-saving. Follow the steps below to give your cast iron a good seasoning on the stovetop or induction hob. 

Turn On The Kitchen Hood 

Before you start seasoning, you must turn on the kitchen hood or your kitchen exhaust fan. The seasoning process will create smoke, so it is necessary to get enough ventilation to avoid discomfort. 

Wash The Pan Gently

If you are seasoning a new cast iron pan or skillet, it is best to wash it well to be free of outside dust and germs. To wash the pan, follow the below steps-


    • Fill the pan with warm water and add dishwashing soap to it. 
    • Use a sponge and scrub the pan gently.
      Note: Avoid using a hard brush or metal sponge. You must not use anything harsh or abrasive. 
    • Next, wash the pan with clean water. 

Dry The Pan 

After you thoroughly wash the cast iron pan, it is time to dry it. To dry the pan, first, take a towel and tap it on the pan. It will soak the water, but moisture might remain on the pan’s surface. So, to make it completely dry and moisture free, put the pan on the kitchen stove and heat it for one minute. 

Oiling The Pan 

Once the cast iron pan is completely dry, you now have to rub cooking oil on the pan. It is best to use a neutral oil for cast iron seasoning oil. The common question is, “Can you season cast iron with olive oil?” Or “Is it safe to use olive oil?” Well, olive oil is safe to use for seasoning your cast iron. 


One thing to remember is that it is safe to use any cooking oil on cast iron with unsaturated fat. So, besides olive oil, you can also use vegetable oil, sunflower oil, and corn oil, as they are rich in unsaturated fat. 


On a special note, some prefer flaxseed oil as seasoning becomes the fastest. However, we recommend not to use flaxseed oil because it might start flaking off after some use. 

Now, follow the below steps to oil the cast iron pan for seasoning- 


    • Pour a few drops of cooking oil into the pan.
    • Take a kitchen paper and rub down the oil with the paper. Spread the oil evenly all over the iron pan. Also, do not miss the handle. 
    • Next, spread a thin layer of oil coating on the pan.  
    • No excess drip of oil shall remain on the cast iron pan. When you touch the pan, it shall feel dry. 

Heat The Cast Iron Pan 

Are you done with oiling? If so, your cast iron pan is ready for the next step, which is heating. To heat the pan, follow the below steps-


    • Put the iron pan on your kitchen stove or an induction hob, whichever you prefer. 
    • Set the flame to medium to high heat. 
    • Heat the iron pan until the smoke comes out. 
    • Wait until the smoke dies down. Once it has died, you have a seasoned cast iron pan.

However, to make the pan more seasoned, add another layer by rubbing more oil. Add and rub the oil just after you have completed the first layer of seasoning. After that, put the iron pan on the stovetop again on medium to high flame.  After repeating the process two to three times, you will get a shiny layer coated on the pan. 


Note: You must use tongs while rubbing the oil for the second layer, or the hot pan might burn your hand.

Season Cast Iron On the Oven

Seasoning iron pans in the oven requires more energy than a stovetop or induction hob. However, unlike stovetop, most prefer this method because it gives even seasoning. So, if you are uncomfortable using a stovetop or induction hob, try the oven method.


Remember, before you start the steps, keep the kitchen well-ventilated because, in this process also, the environment will become a bit smokey. Follow the steps below to give your cast iron a good seasoning in an oven-

Oil The Iron Pan 

Follow Step 4 from the Stovetop method. 

Bake The Iron Pan 

After you finish oiling the pan, it is ready to get baked in the oven. Now, the questions that will come to your mind are, “What temperature to season cast iron?” And how to long to season cast iron?” Well, keep your patience because this article has all your answers. 


You have to keep the pan upside down inside the oven and bake it at a temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about one hour. Before you start baking, cover the bottom rack of the oven with a foil. It will help to protect the oven surface from oil drips. 

Cool Down The Pan 

After baking the pan for one hour, do not take out the pan immediately. Wait until the iron pan cools down. 

Keep Repeating The Process 

If you baked a new iron pan, you would not get a perfect layer of seasoning on the first try. You have to keep repeating the baking process three to four times. Ensure to oil the pan every time before putting it in the oven. Also, never use too much oil because it will make the pan sticky. 


Isn’t it easy to season a cast iron skillet or pan? After reading the instructions, you can skillfully season a cast iron. It does not matter which method you follow; your cast iron will be beautifully seasoned if you follow every step carefully. Now, you might think about how often to season cast iron.


We suggest to season your cast iron pan at least once a month.

Some Tips On Preserving Your Seasoned Cast Iron Pan Well

Tips On Preserving Your Seasoned Cast Iron Pan Well
Preserving Your Seasoned Cast Iron Pan Well

It is easy to maintain your seasoned cast iron pan, and it does not require extra money. You can keep your seasoned iron pan in excellent condition by following the below steps-

Keep Using The Pan 

Once you have seasoned the cast iron pan, you must use it for your regular cooking. Do not just use it for special occasions, thinking it might ruin the seasoning.


The truth is that the more you use the pan, the more the seasoning layer will add to the pan. Cooking on the pan means it will keep adding fat which gives a perfect seasoning layer. 

Avoid Using Acidic Food 

Acidic food is not friendly to your cast iron pan. Do not cook acidic foods like vinegar, tomatoes, and citrus on your iron pan. Doing so will strip off the seasoning layer from the pan, giving your food a metallic taste. 


However, your iron pan is ready to take acidic food only if it is highly seasoned. If you think your iron pan has built enough seasoning layer, you can cook acidic food on that pan.

Use Paper Towel To Store 

It is crucial how you store your cast iron in your kitchen. Because the longevity of your seasoned cast iron depends on your storage method. Do not store the pot in the oven.


Always keep the iron pan with the rest of your kitchen utensils. Also, remember to keep a paper towel between the iron pans to protect it from moisture and friction.

Watch the video and learn How To Season Cast Iron ?


Should I oil my cast iron after every use? 

After every use, adding a small amount of oil to the iron pan’s surface is a good practice. Regular oiling helps the iron pan to get an excellent seasoning layer. Also, it protects the iron from forming rust. 

How do I know if my cast iron needs seasoning? 

If you see rusty patches forming on your cast iron pan, it is time to season it. Also, while cooking, if you notice that the iron pan is not non-sticky anymore, you have to re-season it. 

Does water damage cast iron? 

If you expose the cast iron to water for a long time, it will cause damage by soaking up moisture and helping to form rust. However, cleaning the cast iron with water and immediately soaking the water after cleaning will not damage the iron.

Final Words

You do not require chef-like skills to season a cast iron. If you know the proper steps of how to season cast iron, then seasoning is not a big deal for you. Now that you have read the whole article, we hope you can easily season your cast iron pan at home. 


Remember, it does not matter on which you are heating the cast iron. You must oil the iron pan evenly when heating it on a stovetop, induction hob, or oven. An even spread of oil will give a perfect seasoning layer to your cast iron. 


Enjoy your family time by serving delicious meals with your seasoned cast iron. Happy cooking!

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